Welcome to The Land

Pavillion Home

Picnic Pavilion

Welcome to The Land.  We are happy that you found your way here and that the information on this website helps you to manage and develop your property.

The Land has always been a place where people are welcome to come and enjoy nature, the outdoors and one another.   It has also been a place where ideas and input are welcome.  We have always asked the people who join us at The Land to be respectful of others, practice leave no trace Fire Pit homecamping, and if they would like, to share their expertise, talents and time with us in developing The Land.  This has led to the growth of a large extended Land Family that has enhanced The Land and we hope their lives.  It is in that same spirit that we open our website to you.

Our hope is to build a virtual extended family that is welcome to join in our projects and support them with virtual presence, ideas, comments and perhaps in other more tangible ways should the opportunity arise.

One of many paths at The Land

One of many paths at The Land

If you wish to be part of the extended virtual family, we ask that you respect others who are part of this community by speaking with kindness and sharing with a generosity of spirit.  With that in mind, we offer this website as a means of telling our story; the good and the bad, the successes and failures, the joys and regrets.  It is our desire that those who join us will grab new ideas and inspiration from our successes and save time, effort and money by not duplicating our mistakes.  We also want to hear what you think.  Have you done what we are trying to do?  Do you see something in one of our posts that gives you inspiration?  If so, share it with us and give us the opportunity to learn from your experience and knowledge.  We invite you to walk the path with us to a more sustainable future.


4 thoughts on “Welcome to The Land

  1. I finally found the treasure – your website. Love the essay that your granddaughter wrote and the descriptions you have posted. Hope that someday we’ll be lucky enough to visit such a special place and such special people.

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